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Items We Remove

  • TV & Electronics
  • Appliances
  • Trash
  • Furniture
  • Old Fences
  • Construction Debris
  • Concrete
  • Carpets
  • Patio Furniture
  • Outdoor Equipment
  • Above Ground Pools
  • Demolition of Decks
  • Car Batteries
  • Hot Tubs
  • Clearout of Hoarders’ Items
  • Basketball Hoops & Sports Gear
  • Sofas & Couches
  • Playsets
  • Washers & Dryers
  • Cardboard & Styrofoam
  • Pergolas
  • Office Furniture
  • Clothing
  • BBQ Grills
  • Removal of Brush
  • Hoarder Cleanout
  • Old Toys
  • Insulation
  •  Tree Debris
  •  Styrofoam
  • Scrap Metal
  • Trampolines
  • Cleanup of Garages
  • Properties
  • Lawn mowers
  • Demolition Debris
  • Car Parts
  • Disposal of Public Property
  • Removal of Real Estate
  • And Much More!
Junk removal In DFW

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Items We Do Not Take

  • Bio-hazard items
  • Bleach and cleaners
  • Items too massive to lift safely
  • Pressurized containers
  • Wet paint
  • Any other hazardous materials
  • Herbicides and pesticides
  • Fuels like gasoline, oil, and antifreeze